Sports marketing expert Roland Bischof sets new accents for 2022 with consulting on Qatar topics
Veröffentlicht in News | 12. January 2022 | Carsten
Berlin, 12.01.2022
With his 35 years of experience in the sports business, Roland Bischof is considered one of Germany’s most renowned marketing experts – but what many people don’t know is that he has been to Qatar more than 70 times since 2005 and knows the background, contexts and development of the country even in times before the world looked at the country as a result of hosting the World Cup and says: “If criticism and facts are properly classified, then Qatar might be a great opportunity for all to further, positive developments in the region”.
Therefore, he will set a special consulting focus for 2022 and concentrate his experience and expertise mainly on brands and personalities that need support with regard to the World Cup in Qatar, e.g. in communication or marketing. For this purpose, he will also offer coaching and workshops. www.doha.berlin
The public image of the desert state in Germany is largely negative and is increasingly becoming a problem for some protagonists. This has recently also been evident for FC Bayern Munich with its own fans. The Qataris are also not entirely innocent of the media coverage, which is unfavourable to them and frequently leads back to only a few sources, with their “media work” and so people often talk and judge about the sheikhs instead of talking with them.
Facts, contexts and background knowledge are often neglected in an increasingly heated atmosphere, notes Roland Bischof, although they are eminently important and part of the solution. “Be critical, but give the reformers time and thus a chance in first place,” says Bischof, “otherwise we only strengthen those in the region who don’t want reforms.”
Bischof, who has also advised numerous football players and top athletes exclusively since the mid-1990s, sees a great need for not only brands to inform themselves about facts and contexts, but also associations, clubs and, last but not least, the players. “Today, attitude is expected from the mature player and he is furthermore in the spotlight – thus he has a special responsibility as a role model.”
Bischof is offering a limited number of coaching sessions and workshops at a special price until 31 January 2022. Interested parties can contact rbischof@presented-by.de